
Home Automation and AC

Home Automation and AC

The smart home trend is on the rise. It can help save you energy and money and what could be better than that? Automatic Air has the top 3 home devices for AC and home automation.

Smart Thermostats– The Nest Thermostat, Ecobee3 Smart Wi-Fi Thermostat, and the Honeywell Thermostat are all great recommendations if you’re looking for the ‘smart’ choice. These thermostats allow you to adjust the right temperature from anywhere you please. Users will turn their AC off when they the leave the house for work, or for a vacation and then back on when they’re on their way home. Therefore, saving money when they’re not using it. They can also be programmed to turn on and off at a certain time and can even decide when your home needs cooling while detecting if you’re around or not.

Temperature Monitoring and Security– These devices such as Sentri have more than one purpose. Temperature monitoring can monitor the temperature (reason for the name, right?) when you’re away from your home. These systems also act as security system that allows you to check on your home with its built-in camera. Save money on cooling while also saving on a separate security system when you’re not around.

Air Quality Monitors– Air quality thermostats such as Canary can alert you about the conditions inside your home when you’re there and also when you’re away. Canary and other monitor like gadgets help track the humidity and air quality in your home and will make you aware of any potential problems. If you also have a smart thermostat mentioned in number 1 you can adjust the temperature for a complete 2 in 1.

Of course, there are other options for each different system, but we hope this gives you enough information to make the right decision that’s best for you. Please contact us at (502) 805-1790 today!

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